Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So it comes to this

So, you all know by now that we have this super top-secret “new line” coming out, right? And, you all realized that the new line would replace the current line on the site? Yay, so, we decided over the weekend that we really should keep the current line, and ADD the new line. Especially because they are just so different. Which means we will have both lines in the shop, and both online. So, there you have it. News as soon as we know.

Anyway, that means that the crayons and sketchbook are out, as well as the sample squares for new designs. I always enjoy this part, and now I get to do it for twice as many products! I already have 2 new designs made up on samples, and 2 more to try out this evening. I forgot how much I love the design aspect of this business…..

The painters are at the new space today getting it all prepped. They think they will have the floor done by Friday, which means we should be in there assembling furniture all day Saturday. Wohoo! I am tremendously excited.


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