Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thanksgiving is NEXT Thursday?!

Oy! How is it Thanksgiving already? Not that I have not been prepping, it just seems so, close. Yikes.

So, the decorating the shop project has now turned into a three-day affair. James and I stayed up until 2:30 am on Monday (Sunday night) sewing trees for the display and baking cookies. Then Andrea and I worked on it all day yesterday. Errr, Andrea worked on it all day yesterday while James and I made appearances. We managed to double book ourselves on decorating day. Mmmhmmm, what else is new? We had an interview for our sewing room job (did I mention we were hiring again?) and then a meeting with an artist, but more on that later.

So I set Andrea free with 50 fabric trees, 4 bags of snow, and a pile of green glass ornaments. Though "we" got the front half of the shop looking great, I felt like the back half was still missing, something. So I came in today and worked ALL DAY, and by myself today, on the missing something. It is looking much better, but still needs some finishing touches.

So, my one-day plan of decorating the shop has quickly become a three-day project. Oh well. At least we are getting it up early enough it feels like it is worth the time and energy.

Pictures to follow as soon as it is “finished”!


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