So, it absolutely horrifies me that I have not posted in what is it now, 2 weeks exactly? Especially since I had 5 days of posts written out so all I had to do was post, and I still didn't manage to get them posted. Just plain old sad.
Why the long absence, you ask? Well, amoung other reasons we were hiring again here at Persnickity Designs. We needed a new shop “Assistant” before the big holiday rush. We put an ad on craigslist, and got about 30 applications in three days.
So this last week was spent sorting through all the highly qualified candidates and calling back a few to schedule interviews. It is so hard for me because I like everyone, and want to hire everyone, but we have to choose one person for the job. Andrea will be starting with us this coming Monday.
I never thought, even at this time even a year ago we would be employing 3 people and looking for the fourth! It is pretty amazing, and this year has been a real learning experience for me: about managing, about business in general, and especially about myself. It is so amazing think about Persnickity Designs, my crazy idea, supporting one part-time person and four, soon to be five full-time people.
I am sure I have mentioned before, but I think about 4 years ago when I decided to start making purses, if I had known then where I would be today, I wouldn’t have known where to start! It is really amazing that people have supported me, and believed that I know what I am doing enough to do things like quit their jobs and work here full-time, and continue to work here after really getting to know me!
I love what I do, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, and I can only do it because I have such a great team that when I say “jump” they respond “how high?” I am amazed on a daily basis by not only my wonderful team here, but the amazing support all of our customers give us as well.
Thanks everyone.