'Tis the Season

You're not seeing things....That is a six foot five man standing next to a six foot five stack of boxes. And that was just yesterday! Phew, what a week! I just got finally caught up on the custom orders this morning, so I have even more boxes going out today. I figured that as I set those last snaps, topstitched those last bags, and set the final strap, I would come out to the computer and have another order. I think I am glad that that wasn't the case.....
I would say it's been great, and we get to relax this week, but as internet sales have slowed down, our shop sales are exploding. I think the whole week will be like that. And the week after christmas has been historically our busiest week of the year. Then January we can breath, right? Nope, time to get the new line out! I need a nap.
It hasn't just been busy on the internet either, here's our special order pickup coat tree in the shop:

It has been so full it is about ready to tip over!
Everyday I keep thinking, "oh it will slow down today, and I will work on bears." But no, just bags for now. This afternoon though is all bear time. I have managed to get many done anyway:

And here is my new display in the shop window:

James told me I was crazy to put up a christmas tree a week and a half before christmas, but then told me how darling it looks. Some people just don't have the vision...............
So I have a laundry basket full of bear sweaters that just need to be cut and sewn. Now, if I could just get my christmas shopping done, we'll be set!
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