
Here she is! She came with the name Happy. James and I decided if we could find a name that fit better we would go with it, so we were looking on one of the baby names sites yesterday, and when James mentioned Abbey, she came running in from the front and sat next him very alert. staring at him and the computer. So, Abbey it is. She responds to it almost more than Happy. So, welcome Abbey.

She got dropped off yesterday, and had one stressful day. She didn't sleep from noon when she got here, until about 9:30pm. But, then she passed out, and slept right through the scary lightning storm we had at 5am this morning. She has been much more relaxed today, and sitting and cuddling, and napping all morning.
She is a rescue dog, and her foster family was in Auburn. We went to meet her sunday, and totally fell in love with her. It makes me so sad, she is a year and a half, and started in a shelter, was adopted, brought back to a shelter, adopted again, brought back to a shelter again, and then was in foster with Joan and Fred. Now she is with us, and this is where she will stay.
So, there you go. We have been looking for a dog for awhile, and having her come right before christmas is the best gift we could have ever received.
So, now we have a permanent shop dog- come on down and see her if you are in Bellingham!
Christmas is so close, I can't believe it! We have pretty much finished all the custom orders for this year, and are just selling what we have in stock now ( since I would be insane before christmas if I did anymore....). We are looking forward to the week after christmas, since I know y'all will get christmas money, and we are a great place to spend it! We are always super busy the week after christmas, so we are resting now.
All the christmas presents are bought, and wrapped, and we are ready to go. Now we get to sit and read, and relax, and greet last-minute shoppers.
And finally, so everyone knows, we will be closed Christmas (monday the 25th) and the day after (Tuesday the 26th), and open normal hours again Wednesday the 27th, from 11-6pm.